- Install Sourcetree for Bitbucket Data Center and Server. Select the button for downloading Sourcetree from the Sourcetree website. Double-click the downloaded file to open it. Install Sourcetree as you would any other installation. Open Sourcetree, select the gear icon and then select Accounts. Select Add from the Accounts tab.
- I've recently started using Git for development and while I am getting used to the command line tools on Windows, I have been using Atlassian's free tool, SourceTree to help manage my code. Recently I've run into an issue where SourceTree crashes on start up.'
- Sourcetree is a free graphical user interface (GUI) desktop client that simplifies how you interact with Git repositories so that you can fully concentrate on coding. Say goodbye to the command line — this GUI makes it easy to visualize and manage your repositories.
Solving SourceTree Issues: Invalid Copy Paths In this post we take a look at how to resolve the issue mentioned in the title of this article. Read on to find out what that resolution is.
Git pull says everything up to date but it not
Git pull says 'everything is up to date', aand yes, there are the files i was looking for, but (I guess) that's just checking out, and they are not in my file system. How can i solve this problem -1. git pull's job is to fetch new commits and merge them into the current branch only. If the current branch is not outdated compared to the one you pull from, pull will say Already up-to-date. If you have any local changes in your working directory, its ignored sliently (it has nothing to do with this).
Git Pull - Everything up to date, but it's not, Check whether you are on the right branch and have checked out the same revision you are comparing to: git checkout HEAD. Git pushes to repo, says pushed to repo, says repo is up-to-date, but the repo is in fact not up-to-date 0 Github: Cant pull the repository inside the amazon ec2.
Git Says 'Everything Up to Date' when is clearly is not. : git, Git Says 'Everything Up to Date' when is clearly is not. I created another branch, and that seemed to push an update, but the delete files are still I can either have them clone and push back to origin master, or fork-->clone-->push-->PR. This time, when I ran git pull origin master, it says everything is up to date. I navigate to our github repo in the browser and discover that it is clearly not the case. I google my issue and found that git fetch --all and git reset --hard origin/master is the solution.
Git force push everything up-to-date
git push says 'everything up-to-date' even though I have local , Are you working with a detached head by any chance? As in: detached head. indicating that your latest commit is not a branch head. $ git log -1 $ git push origin use_local_cache_v1 Everything up-to-date $ git status On branch test Your branch is ahead of 'origin/use_local_cache_v1' by 4 commits. (use 'git push' to publish your local commits) . $ git push fatal: The upstream branch of your current branch does not match the name of your current branch.
Git push won't do anything (everything up-to-date), git push doesn't push all of your local branches: how would it know which remote branches to push them to? It only pushes local branches git push after git tag problem (everything up-to-date) By Alvin Alexander. Last updated: July 11 2019. If you attempt to do a normal git push origin master after adding a tag, you'll get an 'Everything up-to-date' message from Git. Remote http basic access denied sourcetree mac file. In short, this is because you have to push a tag to the origin just like you push a branch.
git push says everything up-to-date even though I have local , Check whether you are on HEAD or Detached HEAD. This error basically occurs when the HEAD is detached so you need to reset and make Follow this question By Email: Once you sign in you will be able to subscribe for any updates here. By RSS: Answers Answers and Comments
Git push not responding
Git push hangs when pushing to Github?, After running this line, the problem is not solved and now when pushing, git keeps saying error: cannot run git-gui--askpass: No such file or Thanks for the quick reply. >You don't say what kind of response your client returns you when you push. To be consistent: Win 8 x64 client: msysgit client response: $ git push origin master Everything up-to-date It was not the first push to this repository and before that everything was fine.
git push -u origin master: hangs; nothing happens;, Problem: git push -u origin master seems to hang. That is, it doesn't product output in the terminal, the github.com git push origin not working Gunjan Arya Jul 08, 2012 When I try the command $ git push origin I get the message ' Everything up-to-date' but when I check my repository in Bitbucket I see the new verion of the code is not uploaded and there are no cahnges.
Solved: git push origin not working, Solved: Hi. Basically I have same difficulty like at https://answers.atlassian.com/questions/67729/git-push-origin-not-working I commit, push but I. The repository was cloned from somewhere without downloading LFS objects. Run git lfs fetch [remote] to download them. Something outside of Git LFS removed those files. Git LFS itself doesn't have any code to remove these files (as of v1.0.2). Also, you may have better luck using patterns like *.png instead of *png when tracking files through LFS.
Git push not showing up on github
Push command successful but no changes reflected on , GIT Push Command in SourceTree git -c diff.mnemonicprefix=false -c .com/articles/why-are-my-contributions-not-showing-up-on-my-profile/ and then git push and checked again and still my commits are not on github repo. The only time I can see the commit is when I run 'git log': MacBook-myproject myusername$ git log commit ca52fe090e6dbf1b6aa6ee51c3283efbe7549904 Author: User Date: Sat Jun 23 19:22:05 2012 -0400 project files
Why are my contributions not showing up on my profile?, You haven't added your local Git commit email to your profile. Commits must be made with an email address that has been added to your GitHub account, or the First thanks for reply, I have avoided the problem by not pushing a branch anymore. The git reset head did not work for my case. I tried git remote set-head worked in that it set a remote branch to head, but still did not behave as I would have expected. I tried git push --set-upstream
commits not showing up on github, After your Github repository has been created (i.e. you can view it on Github), then you should already have: Local repository set up: git init You forgot to 'push'. The commit now exists only in your local copy. Sourcetree is an app that will make your life easier, I personally like using it because you can easily detect issues like this: sourcetree will show you that your local copy is not in sync with 'remote' and will offer you to push/pull respectfully.
Already up to-date git pull
Why is Git falsely noting that my files are up-to-date?, . even if you have local changes in your working directory. git pull runs git fetch first, then git merge (or other second command of your choice). The git fetch step updates your Git's memory of their Git's status, by calling up their Git and getting anything new from them. Your git status only checks your Git's memory of their Git. – torek Oct 9 '19 at 17:25
I think your basic issue here is that you're misinterpreting and/or misunderstanding what git does and why it does it. When you clone some The pull has been done to the prod repo; The git logs for all repos are identical and all show the checkin for this change; git branch gives me '* master' for all repos; git status for all repos gives me: # On branch master nothing to commit, working directory clean; git pull gives me 'Already up-to-date' for the dev & prod repos
The message 'Already up-to-date' means that all the changes from the So before doing the merge, checkout master, and then git pull there. The message 'Already up-to-date' means that all the changes from the branch you're trying to merge have already been merged to the branch you're currently on. More specifically it means that the branch you're trying to merge is a parent of your current branch .
Git push no changes
Push changes to remote repo without commit, To test git commands without generating arbitrary changes (via Vaelus). To re-create a deleted bare repository using gitolite (via Tatsh). To test git commands without generating arbitrary changes (via Vaelus). To re-create a deleted bare repository using gitolite (via Tatsh ). To arbitrarily create a new commit, such as for re-triggering build tooling (via mattLummus ) or for the sake of personal logging or metrics (via DynamiteReed ).
git-push Documentation, If git push [] without any argument is set to update some ref and finally force push changes to master if the remote version is still at base try git diff, if you see the new changes you made, then do git commit -m 'commit message'; if it returns something like index.lock, file exists, then do cd git and rm index.lock. or remove it manually via your OS GUI. then commit again, then push.
That is what git commit --amend does: it modified the last commit, it doesn't create a new one. That means you are pushing a different history than the one others might have already cloned. You would have created a new (empty) commit, which you could have pushed without any issue. Committing the changes in Git ; Committing the changes in Git without commit message . How to Create a file using Git Bash. For creating a file through Git Bash you have to first create a repository and navigate to this directory as the present working directory. I hope we are working in the First Project directory that we created in the tutorial about the Git repositories. After you are in the correct repository.
Git says branch is up-to-date but it isn t
Why does git status show branch is up-to-date when changes exist , When you do a pull from the remote, you already have those changes, it's just that you're ahead of them by 9 commits. It wouldn't make sense for When git status says up-to-date, it means 'up-to-date with the branch that the current branch tracks', which in this case means 'up-to-date with the local ref called origin/master'. That only equates to 'up-to-date with the upstream status that was retrieved last time we did a fetch ' which is not the same as 'up-to-date with the latest live status of the upstream'.
Why does Git say my master branch is 'already up to date' even , git add . command will track or stage all the modified files. git commit -m 'comment'. Will commit staged files to the repository. Looks like it is Git merge reports 'Already up-to-date' though there is a difference. The message 'Already up-to-date' means that all the changes from the branch you're trying to merge have already been merged to the branch you're currently on. More specifically it means that the branch you're trying to merge is a parent of your current branch. Congratulations, that's the easiest merge you'll ever do.
Can't commit in Git. Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master , I created another branch, and that seemed to push an update, but the delete files are still there. I am just very confused on how Git is getting so confused. All I want git can be confusing, especially for beginners. Even a common message: Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master' might not mean what you think. Nowadays I'm comfortable with my git workflow and rarely see an error, but I can still remember feeling completely lost. I started coaching at Codebar last year.
Pushed changes not showing up on github
Why aren't my commits showing up on my GitHub contributions , GIT Push Command in SourceTree git -c diff.mnemonicprefix=false -c Branch Import set up to track remote branch Import from origin. The Remote Repository file is not showing the updated changes when opened the file hi i had the same problem you might change something in the prime without pushing it to hub git pull (in prime ) git commit -a (in prime ) git push hub master (in prime ) then git pull (in local) git commit -a (in local) git push (in local) it worked for me — You are receiving this because you are subscribed to this thread.
What does 'master' mean in 'git push origin master', Commits will appear on your contributions graph if they meet all of the following conditions: The email address used for the commits is associated with your GitHub Re: My committed/pushed changes to master don't show in my local repository after I did a recent pul. Hi @gitbaby2018! If you've committed the changes locally, then done a pull from the remote repository, your committed work should still be there. It won't be the most recent local commits, but they should be somewhere.
If you can view your repository on Github, then it has been successfully created. Before you can push your local changes to Github, you need to fetch or pull your remote changes, merge the changes locally (merging is automatic with pull ), and then push to the remote. I've created a new project on GitLab, added it as an remote to a local git repository and pushed the changes. The project still appears to be emtpy, the changes are not visible in the GitLab web interface and the CI task defined in .gitlab-ci.yml is not executing.
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Some developers regard Git's rebase feature as mysterious – even dangerous! While inexpert rebasing can indeed cause annoying problems for your teammates, rebase done right is perfectly safe. It's also a handy way to clean things up before pushing to origin or merging back into master.
But ‘mysterious'? No need for that.
In this post, I'll provide a brief overview of rebase, and it's cousin, interactive rebase. Then we'll dive into interactive rebase using Sourcetree (a free UI tool for working with Git commands) and the operations you can perform during it: squash, edit, delete, reword, and reorder.
Don't have Sourcetree yet? Take a tour and download it free at sourcetreeapp.com
Rebase vs. interactive rebase
You may have heard terms like 'rewriting history' or 'replaying your commits' in the context of rebasing, which can be confusing if you're new to Git. Essentially, rebase is a way of changing your commit history.
Why call the operation 'rebase', though? Because rebase lets you choose a new base commit to serve as the starting point for your feature branch. You can also rebase against a commit on your current branch, then reapply (or 'replay') subsequent commits on top of that. Like so:
Basic rebase is a good idea when you're about to merge into master, and master has progressed since you branched off of it. By reapplying all your branch commits onto a different base commit, you flush out merge conflicts before you go to perform the actual merge. And if you kick off a test run against your rebased branch (which you would totally do, because you're conscientious – right?), you're can discover integration issues before pushing your changes to origin.
Interactive rebase is a variation that lets you tidy up your commit history before merging or pushing to origin. Changing the commit history lets you apply 20/20 hindsight to describing the steps you took to get to this change. Git has a special file called git-rebase-todo which is simply a text file containing a list of the commits you're working with. Interactive rebase offers a chance to edit this file and gives you some control over exactly what happens when you replay those commits.
Warning: Even though it looks like you're just shifting your commits to a different point in your repo's history, under the covers, Git actually creates new commits – each with a new sha. So don't rebase commits you've already pushed to origin unless you coordinate closely with your teammates. They'll need to bring their local copy of the repo up to date afterwards.
Interactive rebase using Sourcetree
If you're doing an interactive rebase from the command line, Git will open an editor where you an issue the commands that result in edits to git-rebase-todo – which is sort of like a runbook Git will use when executing the rebase. Similarly, Sourcetree taps into git-rebase-todo and edits it. The difference is the user experience: you get to interact with the rebase through a point-n-click UI instead of having to memorize commands and their syntax.
Learn more about the internal mechanisms of interactive rebase on our free Git tutorials site.
There are two ways to start an interactive rebase in Sourcetree. The first is to right-click (or context-click) on a commit and choose Rebase children of interactively… The second is to pull down the Repository menu and select Interactive rebase.
From there, you'll have the chance to rewrite your repository's history with the help of a few operations. Let's walk through them one by one.
Sourcetree Not Responding To My
Some developers regard Git's rebase feature as mysterious – even dangerous! While inexpert rebasing can indeed cause annoying problems for your teammates, rebase done right is perfectly safe. It's also a handy way to clean things up before pushing to origin or merging back into master.
But ‘mysterious'? No need for that.
In this post, I'll provide a brief overview of rebase, and it's cousin, interactive rebase. Then we'll dive into interactive rebase using Sourcetree (a free UI tool for working with Git commands) and the operations you can perform during it: squash, edit, delete, reword, and reorder.
Don't have Sourcetree yet? Take a tour and download it free at sourcetreeapp.com
Rebase vs. interactive rebase
You may have heard terms like 'rewriting history' or 'replaying your commits' in the context of rebasing, which can be confusing if you're new to Git. Essentially, rebase is a way of changing your commit history.
Why call the operation 'rebase', though? Because rebase lets you choose a new base commit to serve as the starting point for your feature branch. You can also rebase against a commit on your current branch, then reapply (or 'replay') subsequent commits on top of that. Like so:
Basic rebase is a good idea when you're about to merge into master, and master has progressed since you branched off of it. By reapplying all your branch commits onto a different base commit, you flush out merge conflicts before you go to perform the actual merge. And if you kick off a test run against your rebased branch (which you would totally do, because you're conscientious – right?), you're can discover integration issues before pushing your changes to origin.
Interactive rebase is a variation that lets you tidy up your commit history before merging or pushing to origin. Changing the commit history lets you apply 20/20 hindsight to describing the steps you took to get to this change. Git has a special file called git-rebase-todo which is simply a text file containing a list of the commits you're working with. Interactive rebase offers a chance to edit this file and gives you some control over exactly what happens when you replay those commits.
Warning: Even though it looks like you're just shifting your commits to a different point in your repo's history, under the covers, Git actually creates new commits – each with a new sha. So don't rebase commits you've already pushed to origin unless you coordinate closely with your teammates. They'll need to bring their local copy of the repo up to date afterwards.
Interactive rebase using Sourcetree
If you're doing an interactive rebase from the command line, Git will open an editor where you an issue the commands that result in edits to git-rebase-todo – which is sort of like a runbook Git will use when executing the rebase. Similarly, Sourcetree taps into git-rebase-todo and edits it. The difference is the user experience: you get to interact with the rebase through a point-n-click UI instead of having to memorize commands and their syntax.
Learn more about the internal mechanisms of interactive rebase on our free Git tutorials site.
There are two ways to start an interactive rebase in Sourcetree. The first is to right-click (or context-click) on a commit and choose Rebase children of interactively… The second is to pull down the Repository menu and select Interactive rebase.
From there, you'll have the chance to rewrite your repository's history with the help of a few operations. Let's walk through them one by one.
Sourcetree Not Responding To My
Squashing is a nice way to tidy up after a series of 'panic commits' – when you write a line of code, then are overcome by fear of a sudden widespread power shortage resulting in the loss of your work. Panic commits tend to be small and, taken in isolation, rather trivial. Squashing lets you combine tiny-yet-related commits into a single, meaningful commit.
To use the squashing feature in Sourcetree, just drag and drop rows on top of one another. Or, you can use the squash with previous option by right-clicking or using the button at the bottom of the dialog.
Editing commit contents
Some commits just aren't quite right. But the git commit –amend command lets you do things like change the commit message or add staged changes to a previous commit.
To use this feature, check the 'Amend commit?' checkbox on the commit you'd like to edit. When rebasing continues, it will drop back out to Sourcetree allowing you to do whatever the heck you want before continuing on.
Rewording commit messages
When you're in the middle of solving a problem, you don't know how the whole story will read. But now that you've solved it, you do. Rewording commit messages lets you tell the story in a way your colleagues (and your future self) will be able to make sense of.
Sourcetree Not Responding How To
Double-click on the 'Description' column in the interactive rebase screen. A window will pop into view where you can tweak or completely replace the commit message.
Rewording commit messages is also useful after you've added staged changes to an existing commit. In fact, you really ought to update the commit message in such cases so it's clear to everyone what the commit now contains.
This is one to use with caution. But if you absolutely must delete a commit (and you're absolutely certain doing so won't wreak havoc on your repo), you can do it as part of an interactive rebase in Sourcetree.
As with squashing and rewording, double-click on the the description of the commit you want to nuke, and select 'Delete commit'. And *poof* – it's gone.
Once upon a time, I got into trouble because the commit history of a repository clearly showed I was working on feature Y before feature X, contrary to the project plan. I've also seen commit histories where commits for feature X where scattered around and interleaved with commits for feature Y, making it hard to get a sense where feature X is at in its development.
Whether to save yourself from reprimand, or to group related commits together for ease-of-grokking, reordering commits is easy. Just drag and drop them in Sourcetree's 'Reorder and amend' window.
Avoiding confusion during interactive rebase
'mine' vs. 'theirs'
Let's say you've deleted a commit, and Git is now replaying subsequent commits. Let's also say one of those subsequent commits affects a file that was changed as part of the commit you deleted. Git won't know which version of that file to replay the other commits on top of, so it has to ask you: mine or theirs?
In this case, mine refers to the changeset just prior to the commit you deleted, and theirs refers to the changeset just after the commit you deleted. If you choose mine, you'll loose all the changes made to that file after the deleted commit. Proceed thoughtfully in this situation, and don't rush through it. But even if you do make a mistake here, you can still reset your repository as long as you don't push the changes.
Rebasing upstream commits
I said it above, but it bears repeating: never rebase commits that have already been pushed. This can lead to dangerous and confusing situations.
If you rebase pushed commits, Sourcetree will tell you that you've got changes to pull down after you've finished the rebase. This is really confusing if you know you've pulled all the changes already. Here again, you can save your team from experiencing this confusion by resetting your repo as long as you don't push these changes.
Rebase with confidence
Interactive rebase can be really useful, especially if you tend to commit locally all day long and push your changes on your way out the door. Up to the point of pushing, you can condense, delete, or just edit the message on your commits to make the history easier for everyone to understand.
Give it a try next time you're iterating quickly on a feature or fix. And tweet us up @sourcetree if you run into issues or have any feedback for us. Happy coding!
Sourcetree Not Responding Mac
For more on rebasing, workflows, and other Git commands, check our our free tutorials site. You'll find advanced tips for experts, as well as getting-started help for newbies.